PortioningPortioned products are red meat, poultry or fish masses that are accurately portioned into a pre-defined shape and size, with a consistent weight and uniform configuration. These can include hamburgers, nuggets, schnitzels and steaks or fillets. Whichever kind you are processing, Townsend Further Processing has the equipment for the job.One of the many possible processes for portioned products is outlined below.
CoatingThere are a number of different types of coating that can be used for your portioned product, enhancing its taste and texture and increasing yield. It also protects products from damage during freezing. With a coating, your product looks good.Will your choice be wet or dry coating, or rather a combination of both? Regardless of which coating you choose, Townsend Further Processing is able to supply the appropriate system for virtually all types of coating.
FryingFrying is an important step in the production process of your coated portioned product. The coating is fixed and your products acquire their attractive, golden crispy finish and taste. With our fryers you can deep fry product or you can flash fry it, making it attractively colored and crunchy.
Hot Air TreatmentDepending on the shape and size of your portioned product, specific settings need to be chosen for this step in the process. Whilst retaining the maximum yield, our innovative oven systems achieve a safe core temperature, providing food safety for your product.