CAS SmoothFlowStraight line, smoothmultiphase stunning technology for improvedanimal welfare and optimalcontrol.
MultiPhase CASA stunning system using amulti-phase controlled atmosphere for completingthe process sequence, livebird supply, stunning and hang-on.
Water bath stunnerHighly effective water bathelectrical stunner to stunbroilers and turkeys beforethe bleeding cut is applied
Water Bath Stunner PureSinePureSine, the new Water BathStunner type from Marel Stork, sets the new standard for electrical stunning.
EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS FOR ALL PRODUCTION CAPACITIESStork Poultry Processing offers two methods for stunning poultry both of which comply fully with strict European regulations; high-frequency electrical water bath stunning and multi-phase controlled atmosphere stunning. The use of carbon dioxide in two phases as practiced in the multiphase CAS system is specifically mentioned in the list of stunning methods accepted without any additional requirements being necessary.The modular multi-phase CAS controlled atmosphere stunning system connects perfectly to the GP live bird handling system and is especially suitable for higher processing speeds.Both methods ensure an effective stun, an important pre-condition for an automatic kill cut..