In-line Air Chilling
K-Plus Engineering
Downflow Plus In-line single-stage multi-tier air chilling system with “Plus” moisturizing technology
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InfraChill The Infrachill tunnel is a single tier system which reduces the chill times by some 25%.
Maturation Chilling system A two-stage, multi-tier system for chilling and tenderizing broilers in line, used with RapidRigor electro-stimulation.
In-line Air Chilling
Chilling poultry is about more than just removing heat. The chilling process will largely determine yield, appearance and shelf life of your end product. Stork Poultry Processing in-line air chilling ensures an optimum chilled product. Products reach the correct core temperature without frozen wings or neck flaps, superficially dry but with moisture loss kept to an absolute minimum. We have a proven track record of chilling poultry in-line and offer a wide range of solutions, including in-line maturation chilling. The result of maturation chilling is a breast fillet as tender as if it had been matured off-line.
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