Leg DressingStork Poultry Processing offers equipment for bending and stretching broiler leg and hip joints to make them pliable again afterchilling.
Overhead Grading & Distribution
With processing capacities continually on the increase, the need for a really fast
whole product distribution system based on accurate quality assessment and
highly accurate weighing is becoming ever more important.
Our automated ‘weight and vision based’ grading equipment allows whole
products to be graded at the highest possible processing speeds.
Accurate assessment is the basis for optimal distribution.
The system brings the right product to the best possible place, with whole products classified fully automatically according
to specifications. Give-away is reduced to a minimum.
Automatic Quality GradingOur automated ‘weight and vision based’ grading equipment allows product to begraded at the highest processing speeds.
WeighingWith processing capacities continually on the increase, the need for accurate weighing in a split second is crucial.
BatchingThe selection of the right individual productsto form a batch is done by the INNOVA/PDS-NT control system. Selection can be doneusing different batching algorithms such as minimum weight, count or fixed weight.
RehangingThe re-hanger transfers products automatically from one processing line to the next, giving an in-line process for optimal tracking and tracing with no manual product handling required.