FlexLinkerLinker for filling, linking and hanging exact weightand length sausages in any type of casing with low giveaway.
SmartLinkerSausage linker for filling,linking and hangingcellulose and collagencasing.
Frank-A-Matic LinkerSausage linker for filling, linking and hanging cellulose and collagen casing.
Peeler 2800Accurate removal of inedible casings fromcooked and chilledsausages.
Sausage Making
Marel Further Processing is firmly rooted in the sausage sector. Making use of knowledge and experience gained over many decades, we have developed a number of sausage making systems and methods that revolutionized the industry.Today, we provide high quality equipment to sausage producers all over the world. Our high speed, flexibility, long trouble-free production runs, low maintenance costs and ease of operation are the pillars of our every machine. With a strong focus on the end product, we continue to innovate sausage production to serve the industry’s every need.