StunningStork Poultry Processing offers twomethods for stunning poultry both of which comply fully with strict Europeanregulations; high-frequency electrical water bath stunning and multi-phasecontrolled atmosphere stunning.
KillingThe K-15 killer applies an effective kill cutat the highest processing speeds givingperfect bleed-out.
ScaldingThe scalding process will largely determinethe appearance, colour and visual quality ofthe end product and can also influence yield and shelf life.
Killing & Defeathering
DefeatheringLatest addition to Stork Poultry Processingrange of A-frame pluckers/plucker finishers(pickers/finishers).
Feet ProcessingThe feet processing system is suitable for processing at the highest line speedsand consists of a number of modules, allowing the ideal combination to be put together for each customer.
RehangingAt higher capacities and line speeds atransfer system using the mechanical coupling ensures that both lines run thesame speed. With one to one transfer there are no empty shackles with high line efficiencies as a result.